"the awesome @clintmaedgen @PresHall member, all around great human/musician just started a cool online store check it out"— rancho de la luna (@ranchodelaluna) March 11, 2018
"We're not going to be able to pretend that James Brown isn't a part of us now, or hip-hop," says Clint Maedgen, a sax and clarinet player who both studied with famed avant-garde jazz clarinetist Alvin Batiste and fronted several Nineties and early-2000s-era punk bands in New Orleans. Now in his late 40s, when Maedgen joined the band in 2003 he was one of its youngest members. Among the So It Is band, he's practically an elder statesman..." - Alison Fensterstock
"WHEN CLINT MAEDGEN, alto saxophonist for the legendary New Orleans ensemble the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, is in the market for a new instrument, he doesn’t necessarily visit a music store. Instead, he heads to the toy aisle. “We could make an entire record with the musical instruments sold at Toys ‘R’ Us,” - Steve Garbarino
"Waits’s new album, “Bad as Me,” his twenty-second, has plenty of stone gargling. It was made with a vast constellation of new and old friends, the most prominent of whom is an often overlooked collaborator, his wife, Kathleen Brennan, who has been writing songs with Waits since his album “Swordfishtrombones,” from 1983 (for which she was uncredited). “She responds to things like she’s in an opium dream. I’m more of a sticks-and-wire guy,” he said. (Much of what he says in conversation could, with little intervention, become lyrics.) “Bad as Me” also features the guitarist Marc Ribot, whom Waits called “the Lon Chaney of the guitar—there are so many voices he’s able to conjure,” and high-profile guests such as Flea and Keith Richards. Central to the album are Clint Maedgen and Ben Jaffe, reed and brass players from New Orleans’s Preservation Hall Jazz Band, who appear on many of the tracks." - Sasha Frere-Jones